Mobile PWA

Common Progressive Web App

Elevate Your Common Experience with Our New PWA Support

We're excited to announce the launch of Progressive Web App (PWA) support on Common, a leap forward in making your interaction smoother and more accessible, especially for our mobile users and communities.

Here’s a quick guide on setting it up and why it's a game-changer:

Why Switch to Common's PWA?

  • Improved Mobile Experience: Seamlessly interact with your communities via your mobile device

  • Faster Performance: Enjoy quicker load times and smoother navigation.

  • Reduced Data Usage: Save on your data plan with efficient loading and caching.

  • No App Store Downloads: Skip the app store hassle; install directly from your browser.

  • Stay Updated: Receive real-time notifications for important updates and messages.

Quick Setup Guide

Setting up the PWA for Common is straightforward and requires just a few simple steps:

  1. Open Common in Your Mobile Browser: Navigate to the Common website.

  2. Install to Home Screen:

    • Android: Tap the three dots in the browser menu, select "Add to Home screen."

    • iOS: Use the share icon, then "Add to Home Screen."

  3. Name and Confirm: Name the PWA (usually "Common") and confirm. The icon will appear on your home screen.

Enjoy: Tap the Common icon for an app-like experience, anytime, anywhere.

Last updated