Onchain Governance

Common gives a UI to existing governance contracts and integrates it with the rest of the governance process (i.e.: off chain governance, and forum discussion). To learn more about governance please visit the “Explaining Governance” section of this documentation.

To setup up on chain governance for existing forums, please contact @Mark_CMN on Telegram or email mark@common.xyz

Below are the on chain governance actions that users take through the Common interface:

Creating & publishing on-chain proposals: users can create on-chain proposals by clicking the the “new proposal” button in the dropdown on the top right of the header

Voting: Users can use their token to cast their vote in accordance to the project’s governance parameters.

Note: each chain has very different on chain governance processes. For more information on that, visit the "Governance Frameworks” section of this documentation

Examples of On chain Governance

Substrate Example:

Forum link: https://commonwealth.im/edgeware/proposals

Ethereum Aave Example:

Link: https://commonwealth.im/dydx/proposals

Cosmos Example:

Link to Forum: https://commonwealth.im/injective/proposals

Last updated