Bridged Discord Forum Bot
Easily sync your Discord forum with your Common Forum
What are Bridged Discord Forums?
By allowing you to integrate your Discord forum channels with your Common community via a Discord Bot, we hope to live up to this, by moving one more source of info into Common.
Bridged Forums
Today, we're thrilled to announce a new feature that will seamlessly merge relevant conversations from different platforms to help your community do stuff together—off or on-chain—Public Pages for Bridged Discord Forum Channels.
We first launched our product to link together your forum with your on-chain proposals, however realized it’s more than governance; we want to help:
provide a clear, high signal spot for your community
use this context to to do on-chain stuff together
We want to help make every post accessible from anywhere
do so in a decentralized manner together Common’s Approach to Decentralization.
How your community will benefit
Less fragmented conversations in your community.
A public, customizable URL for an indexed, SEO-friendly forum (I.e forums.[ethereum].xyz)
Access to on-chain features of Common, turning a chat into a snapshot or on-chain proposal with a click.
Easily link discord
Last updated