Welcome to Common

Common is an all-in-one platform for crypto communities.


Common enables users to claim and govern their communities. Anyone can create a community, link their governance methodology, and discuss the future of their specific community.

Common combines the core functionality of Discourse, Snapshot, on-chain voting, synchronous chat tools, and network analytics all into one place via a crypto-native product. This means decentralized governance, community discussions, treasury management, and more happen all on Common.

Example of different chain projects using Commonwealth:

Ethereum: https://commonwealth.im/1inch/discussions

Cosmos: https://commonwealth.im/stargaze/discussions

Binance: https://commonwealth.im/apeswap/overview

Arbitrum: https://commonwealth.im/treasure-dao

For a quick overview of what Common offers please visit our one pager here.

Who runs Common?

Common was ideated and first released by Commonwealth Labs. The core team at Common is actively working to decentralize the protocol for the community to manage. To stay up to date on decentralization news, follow our blog and visit our documentation on the Common governance model.

What is a DAO?

A DAO is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization. These are digital organizations that can be used to coordinate people around a similar goal or action; based on the internal code of the DAO.

Some common forms of DAOs are:

Protocol DAOs (e.g. Uniswap, Compound, Aave)

NFT DAOs (e.g. Bored Apes Yacht Club)

Investment DAOs (e.g. OlympusDAO)

DAOs and communities use Common as their community and governance platform. For more information about how DAOs work, visit the ‘Explaining Governance’ section of this documentation

Last updated